On February 14, I got the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. The first shot was on January 24. I experienced zero side effects the first time. This time was a different story.

Technical problems with my phone prevented including pictures of getting the second dose. I fixed those issues and now can share the photos.

Both shots were administered at Charlotte Motor Speedway (CMS) in Concord, NC. I assumed that meant somewhere in the enormous parking lot. I was surprised and pleased to discover that both jabs required actually driving around this famous NASCAR racetrack – at slow speed of course.

The weather on January 24 was sunny and seasonably warm. On February 14, it was cold and rainy. I was lucky to get a vaccine at all on Valentines’ Day because the storm that brought rain to Charlotte dumped copious amounts of snow and ice on a wide swaths of the U.S. In those areas most vaccine appointments were cancelled.

Upon arrival, vehicles were directed onto the track on the backstretch and drove counter to the normal racing direction to the front straightaway and then to a check-in station in the infield.

Turn 2 exit on the track apron.

After check in, cars were directed back onto the track on the backstretch entering Turn 3.

Getting back on the track after checking in.

I left the flat apron and drove onto the racing surface entering Turn 3.  CMS turns are banked at 26º.  That is almost twice the angle of bank in standard 15º airline turns.  It felt like the car would roll over on its side.

Turn 3 entrance

I dropped down to the apron and drove around to the front straightaway, through the pits, and into the garage where the vaccines were administered.

Getting the jab was no problem but my waistline shows I haven’t been to the gym in months.

This time, the nurse gave me the shot higher on my arm. The jab was almost in my shoulder. I had to get out of my car and take off my shirt. There was almost no pain. After driving to a parking area in the infield, I waited the required 15 minutes to see if there were any immediate reactions.

I arrived at the facility at 10:50 and left at 11:22. The 30-minute drive home was easy and I picked up lunch on the way.

Information provided at both doses warned of possible side effects.


I had none after the first dose. The evening of the second dose I began experiencing symptoms that developed into a moderate fever and serious tiredness that kept me in bed for a couple of days.

Final Thoughts

Even with the side effects of the second dose, I encourage everyone to get vaccinated. Even after being vaccinated, I’m following the recommendations to keep wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and washing hands. I haven’t made travel plans yet because of the uncertainties surrounding vaccine passports. I hope to make travel plans in the next few weeks. I do feel a lot safer doing normal things like being around other people.

Have you been vaccinated or have an appointment for one? How will being vaccinated affect your activities?